You are the best nation
You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah . If only the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient.
[Qur'aan 3:110 Sahih International Translation]
أُعطيتُ ما لم يُعطَ أحدٌ من الأنبياءِ . فقلنا : يا رسولَ اللهِ ! ما هو ؟ قال : نُصِرتُ بالرُّعبِ ، وأُعطيتُ مفاتيحَ الأرضِ ، وسُمِّيتُ أحمدَ ، وجُعِل التُّرابُ لي طَهورًا ، وجُعِلت أمَّتي خيرَ الأممِ
I have been given that which no Messenger before me has been given. We said: O Messenger of Allaah what is it? He said: I have been helped by al-Ru'b [fear] and I have been given the keys of the earth and have been named Ahmad and the turaab [sand] has been made pure for me and my Ummah [nation] has been made the best of all nations.
[Musnad Ahamd]
Ahmad Shaakir said its chain of narrators is Sahiih
Sheikh al-albaani said its chain of narrators is Hasan
Al-'iraaqi said its chain of narrators is hasan
Some scholars have mentioned that the Hadith has a narrator regarding the reliablity of whom there is a dispute.
ليدخلن الجنة من أمتي سبعون ألفا ، لا حساب عليهم ولا عذاب ، مع كل ألف سبعون ألفا
Seventy thousand from my Ummah will enter Paradise without having any account [taken from them] and without any torment and along with every thousand will be another seventy thousand.
[Musnad Ahmad]
Ibn Kathiir said that the Hadith is Sahih