When you are wronged
Someone will wrong you in life. Everyone is wronged in life. It is inevitable.
When you are wronged, know that Allaah is your Protector and He is with you. Allaah does not permit that you pray against a Muslim brother of yours. However, He has made an exception when the Muslim brother of yours wrongs you.
Then, you can pray against him.
That is how a group of scholars have understood the following Verse:
"Allah does not like that the evil should be uttered in public except by him who has been wronged. And Allah is Ever All‑Hearer, All‑Knower"
[Qur'aan 4:148]
You can pray against the one who wrongs you. And know that Allaah hears and knows everything that goes on in the Heaven and Earths. Know, also, that your dua against the one who wronged you will be answered even if it be after a while.
Read the following hadiith, declared authentic by a group of scholars, if you do not believe me:
اتقوا دعوه المظلوم فإنها تحمل على الغمام يقول الله تعالى : (وعزتي وجلالي لأنصرنك ولو بعد حين)
Be on your guard against the supplication of the one who has been wronged for indeed it is carried on the cloud. Allaah says:
I swear by My 'Izzah and by My Jalaal that I will certainly help you even if after a while
Allaah sees and knows everything. Allaah does not forget. Allaah does not go against His Promise.
He will help you if you have been wronged. Never lose hope. Never think Allaah has forsaken you even when you think your cry for help has gone unheard.
It hasn't.
It is being heard. Allaah hears everything. He hears, sees, and knows everything in the Heavens and Earth.
He will help you.
And when His help comes, it will leave your enemies utterly destroyed.