What is the best form of Hajj
The Shaafi'i and Maaliki schools of thought are of the opinion that the best form of Hajj is al-'ifraad. This is also the opinion of Umar bin al-Khattaab, Uthmaan, Ali, Ibn Masuud, Ibn Umar, Jaabir, al-auzaai'i, and Abu Thaur.
The Hanafi school hold the opinion that the best form of Hajj is al-Qiraan.
The Hanaabilah hold the opinion that the best form of Hajj is al-Tamattu' and this opinion has been narrated from Ibn Umar, Ibn Abbaas, Ibn Zubair, 'Aa'ishah, al-Hasan, 'aTaa', Taa'uus, Mujaahid, Jaabir bin Zaid, al-Qaasim, Saalim, and 'ikrimah.