This is for Allaah and this is for you
A man came to the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) and said:
O Messenger of Allaah I am unable to learn the Qur'aan. So, teach me something which will compensate me.
He said: Say Subhaan Allaah wal hamdulillaah wa laa ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu 'akbar wa laa haula wa la quwwata illaa billaah.
Thereupon the 'araabii said: Like this - and he clasped his hands. Then he said: This is for Allaah. What is for me?
He said: Say Allaahummagh fir lii war hamnii wa 'aafinii war zuknii wahdinii.
So the 'araabii took it and clasped the palms of his hands.
Thereupon the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: As for him, he has filled his hands with good.
The Hadith is present in Sunan al-DaaraQuTni under the book of prayer. The author named the chapter that from among du'a which compensates when one is unable to recite the opening of the Book [i.e. Suurah al-Faatiha]. Hadiith No. 1034
Allaahummagh fir lii war hamnii wa 'aafinii war zuknii wahdinii
[O Allaah forgive me, have mercy on me, give me health and safety, provide me provision, and guide me].
Subhaan Allaah wal hamdulillaah wa laa ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu 'akbar wa laa haula wa la quwwata illaa billaah
Subhaan Allaah [Hallowed be Allaah]
Alhamdulillaah [All praise be to Allaah]
Laa ilaaha illallaah [There is no god except Allaah]
Allaahu 'akbar [Allaah is the greatest]
Laa haula wa la quwwata illaa billaah [There is no might or power except with Allaah]
Ibn Hibbaan included the Hadith in his collection of Sahiih Hadiith named Sahiih Ibn Hibbaan.
Ibn Kathiir said its chain of narrators is strong.
Ibn Hajar al-'asQalaani considered the Hadiith to be hasan [authentic].
Sheikh al-Albaani considered the Hadith to be hasan [authentic].
Abu Dawud considered the hadith to be good.
Muhammad bin Abd al-Haadi said that the chain contains الفضل بن موفق. Abu Haatim al-Raazi declared him weak.
al-Nawawi said the hadiith has been narrated from the narration of إبراهيم السكسكي who is weak.
Zain al-Din al-'Iraqi graded the hadiith hasan [authentic].
And Allaah knows best.