The mau'uudah
And when the mau'uudat[u] is asked
[Qur'aan 81:8]
Hasnaa' 'ibnah mu'aawiyah al-Suraimiyyah reported from her uncle who said:
I said: O Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) who is in Paradise? He said: The Prophet is in Paradise and the shahiid is in Paradise and the child is in Paradise and the mau'uudah is in Paradise.
[Musnad Ahmad]
al-suyuuTi said its chain of narrators is hasan
al-haytami said all the narrators are the narrators of al-Sahiih [those whom Imaam al-Bukhaari narrated from in his Sahiih] except for Muhammad bin mu'aawiyyah bin SaaliH and he is reliable
al-albaani considered it hasan [authentic].
al-mau'uudah: She is the one the people of al-jaahiliyyah would bury (alive) out of detest.