The baatil sect of the 'Ashaa'irah
The 'Ashaa'irah love to talk about al-jauhar and al-'arad. They use these concepts to attempt to make tanziih of Allaah.
Their books are polluted with al-jauhar and al-'arad. The 'Ashaa'irah are from among the people of ilm al-kalaam.
Read and understand how evil and disgusting these people are.
The Salaf said:
He who seeks Diin by means of kalaam has committed heresy.
al-Shaafi'i said:
That a slave falls into every sin Allaah has forbidden except shirk is better for him than that he looks into kalaam
Ahmad bin Hanbal said:
The companion of kalaam will never succeed. The scholars of kalaam are heretics.
Ibn aqiil said:
I say with certainty that the Companions (may Allaah be pleased with them) died and did not recognize al-jauhar and al-'arad. If you are pleased to be like them then do so. And if you see that the way of the Mutakallimiin is better than the way of Abu Bakr and Umar then how evil is what you think.
This is what the Ashaa'irah are. There whole baatil sect is based on al-jauhar and al-'arad.
Evil is what they are upon. Do you want to be like them?
Or do you want to follow Abu Bakr and Umar (may Allaah be pleased with both of them)?