Suurah al-Faatiha in the funeral prayer
Ibn Taymiyyah's opinion about reciting Suurah al-Faatiha in the funeral prayer:
وتنازع العلماء في القراءة على الجنازة على ثلاثة أقوال: قيل: لا تستحب بحال، كما هو مذهب أبي حنيفة ومالك، وقيل: بل يجب فيها القراءة بالفاتحة، كما يقوله من يقوله من أصحاب الشافعي، وأحمد، وقيل: بل قراءة الفاتحة فيها سنة، وإن لم يقرأ بل دعا بلا قراءة جاز، وهذا هو الصواب
[Paraphrase] The scholars have disputed [the issue] of reciting in the funeral prayer. There are three opinions. It has been said: It is not mustahabb in any case. This is the Madhab of Abu Hanifah and Maalik. It has been said: It is obligatory to recite al-Faatiha during it. This is the saying of the Companions of al-Shaafi'i and Ahmad. And it has been said: Rather, the recitation of al-Faatiha during the funeral prayer is a Sunnah and if it is not recited and one only makes du'aa without recitation then this is permitted. And this is the correct opinion.