Sit with good company
Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported:
I heard the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) saying, "The similitude of good company and that of bad company is that of the owner of musk and of the one blowing the bellows. The owner of musk would either offer you some free of charge, or you would buy it from him, or you smell its pleasant fragrance; and as for the one who blows the bellows (i.e., the blacksmith), he either burns your clothes or you smell a repugnant smell".
Sahih al-Bukhaari and Sahiih Muslim
The following points of Fiqh have been understood from the above Hadiith:
النهي عن مجالسة من يتأذى بمجالسته في الدنيا والدين
It is prohibited to sit with a person when sitting with him will cause harm to ones Diin and Dunyaa
والترغيب في مجالسة من ينتفع بمجالسته في الدنيا والدين
One is exhorted to sit with the one who will benefit him in this world and the next
وفيه ضرب الأمثال لتقريب المعاني
The Hadith shows that one can give examples to help bring someone closer to comprehend the meaning of what one wishes to convey
قال النووي وفيه طهارة المسك
al-Nawawi said: This hadiith shows that al-misk is pure
واستحباب استعماله وجواز بيعه
The hadiith shows that it is mustahabb to use al-misk and that it is permissible to sell and buy it.
فتح المنعم شرح صحيح مسلم
Volume 10 Page 127