Shaafi'i fiQh (4)


Drinking Zam Zam water

According to the Shaafi'i school of thought it is a Sunnah to drink Zam Zam water at any time and not only specifically at the end of the Tawaaf. And it is a Sunnah, in their opinion, for everyone to drink Zam Zam water even…

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Time of witr in Jam' taqdiim

If a person combines Ishaa and maghrib jam' taqdiim (which is permissible during traveling) where he prays the Ishaa prayer along with the maghrib prayer during the time of maghrib, then the time for witr begins after he completes the Ishaa prayer. This is the…

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Ujra for 'iQaamah only

A person does not give the adhaan. He  only says the 'iQaamah. He cannot take ujrah for it according to the Shaafi'i school of thought because act of saying 'iQaamah is too small to allow one to take ujrah.  

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Food particle in prayer

You are praying. A food particle dislodges from between your teeth.  You swallow it on purpose. Your prayer is invalidated. This is the view of the Shaafi'i school of thought because they classify it  as eating.

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