Scholars criticized scholars
When the classical scholars were convinced of their position in matters of fiQh, they would at times use strong language against their opposition.
Ibn Qudaamah notes in al-Mughni that Ibn al-Mubaarak said:
من سلم على الجنازة تسليمتين فهو جاهل جاهل
He who says two Salaams in the funeral prayer is a Jaahil, Jaahil.
[Both the Hanafi and Shaafi'i say that one should say two Salaams in the funeral prayer]
Volume 2 Page 366
al-Shaafi'i said, in his old Madhab as noted by al-Nawawi in his al-majmuu' sharh al-muhadhdhab, regarding Abu Hanifah's Ijtihaad regarding the one who forgets a Rak'ah in prayer:
قال الشافعي في القديم ما رأيت قولا أقبح من قول أبي حنيفة هذا ولا أبعد من السنة
I have not seen a saying uglier and more far away from the Sunnah than this saying of Abu Hanifah.
Volume 4 Page 111