Rulings regarding water
What are al-ahdaath?
Ritual impurities
What are al-najaasaat?
Physical impurities.
Can you purify by means of any liquid other than water?
Can you use any liquid other than water for wuduu or ghusl?
No, you cannot.
Can you use vinegar for ghusl or wuduu?
Can you use sap from a tree for ghusl or wuduu?
Can you use rose water for ghusl or wuduu?
Does pure mean purifying? Are they the same?
No, they are not the same
What is pure but not purifying?
Tea, ink, etc.
What types of water are there based on purity?
Pure and purifying - water which is pure and can purify
Pure but not purifying - water which is pure but not purifying so it cannot be used for wuduu or ghusl
Impure - water which is neither pure nor purifying
What does purifying mean?
It refers to water which can be used for purifying as in wuduu and ghusl.
If water is pure but not purifying what does that mean?
You can not use the water to perform wuduu or ghusl.
2 Qulla is how much water?
About 190 liters.
If an impurity mixes with 2 Qulla of water does it render it impure?
No. It renders it impure only if it changes its taste, color, or smell.
If impurity mixes with water less than 2 Qulla does it render it impure?
What about flowing water? If an impurity mixes with it does it render it impure?
No. It renders it impure only if it changes its taste, color, or smell.
You have 89 liters of water. Urine drops fall into it. Has it been rendered impure?
Yes, because it is less than 2 Qulla.
If it was 2 Qullah and a drop of urine fell into it but did not change any of the characteristics of water [i.e. color, taste, or smell] can you use the water for wuduu or ghusl?
Yes, becuase nothing makes impure 2 Qullah of water unless the impurity which mixes with it changes its color, taste, or smell.
How much is 2 Qullah again?
About 190 liters.
If you boiled cauliflower in water, will the water be permissible to use for wuduu or ghusl?
Why not?
Because when you cook something pure in water and it changes its smell, taste, or color the water is no longer purifying.
It is pure but not purifying.
What if you mixed saffron in water? Can you use the water for wuduu or ghusl?
If it prevails on the water then you cannot use the water for wuduu or ghusl.
If a drop of oil falls into water and does not change its smell, taste or color, can you use the water for wuduu?
Yes, because if something pure mixes with water and does not change the water so much that it can no longer be called water, one can use it for wuduu and ghusl.
If something pure mixes with water to an extent where water can no longer be called water, then you cannot use the water for wuduu or ghusl.
Haamid used water to make wuduu. Jaafar collected the water in a pan. Can Jaafar use the water to make wuduu?
No, because once water has been used for wuduu it loses its property of being purifying
If you have doubts that the water might be impure can you perform wuduu with it?
Yes, you can because you are supposed to build upon certainty and cast away the doubts.
If you have doubts that the water might be pure can you perform Ghusl or wuduu with it?
No, because you think it might be pure which means you are more certain that it is impure. In this case when you cast away the doubt it means you are sure it is impure.
What does it mean to cast away the doubt?
If you are pretty sure that water is pure but have some doubts that it might not be, then when you cast away the doubt it means you are sure it is pure.
If you are pretty sure the water is impure but have doubts that it might be pure, then when you cast away the doubt it means you are sure it is impure.
You have a bucket of water. You are pretty sure it is impure. Can you perform wuduu with it?
No, because you are more certain it is impure.
You have a slight doubt that the water coming out of your faucet is impure. Can you perform ghusl with it?
Yes, you can because you cast away the doubt that it is impure. You build upon certainty. You are pretty sure it is is pure. Once you cast away the doubt you are sure it is pure. So, you can use it for wuduu and ghusl.
You have a garment. You do not remember which corner of it was dirty. It could be the right corner or the left. Which corner will you wash?
You have to wash both corners because only then will you attain certainty. You will wash both corners because only then will you be certain the garment is no longer impure.
What principle necessitates that you wash both corners?
There is a principle which states: The act necessary to fulfill an obligation is obligatory.
Your clothes have to be pure if you want to pray. This is an obligation.
The only way you can attain certainty that your clothes will be clean is by washing both corners as you do not know which one was impure.
How many times do you have to pray a prayer if you mix up clean and unclean garments?
You have to pray the prayer equal to the number of unclean garments and one extra prayer. You pray each prayer in a different garment.
You have five garments. Three are unclean and two are clean. You have confused them. They became mixed up. How many times will you pray one prayer?
Four times. You will pray in a different garment each time. This will ensure you pray the prayer in a clean garment as there were three unclean garments and you prayed the prayer four times.
You have three pots of water. Two of them are impure and one is pure. It is dark and you cannot tell which is which. What do you do?
You perform Tayammum. When you confuse pure with impure water, the rule is that you do not use any and perform Tayammum.
You have a pot of purifying water and a pot of pure water which is not purifying. You do not know which one is which. What do you do?
You perform ablution with each one. This ensures that you will perform wuduu with the water which is purifying.
Whenever you confuse pure and purifying water you must perform wuduu with each one. This ensures that you have certainly performed wuduu with the purifying water.
What is the difference between water which is only pure and one which is purifying?
Pure water is one which you can drink, use in food, and if it spills over your clothes you can still pray in them. However, you cannot use it for wuduu or ghusl.
Purifying water is one which you can use for wuduu and ghusl. As the word purifying implies it is water which purifies.
If water is purifying it is pure.
However, if pure water is not always purifying.
For example, if you cook cauliflower in water and it takes on the color of the cauliflower, the water is now no longer purifying though it is still pure. You can drink it. You can use it as broth in other foods. If it spills on your clothes, you can pray in those clothes. You cannot use it for wuduu or ghusl.
Is the urine of camel pure?
Yes, it is pure.
Is the urine of goat pure?
Yes, it is pure.
Is the urine of chicken pure?
Yes, it is pure.
What is the principle regarding the purity of urine?
The urine of animals whose flesh can be eaten is considered pure.
A dog licked your utensil. How will you wash it?
You will wash it seven times once with soil.
A pig licked your utensil. How will you wash it?
You will wash it seven times once with soil.
The Hadith mentions that you wash the utensil licked by a dog seven times once with soil. Why does the Hanaabilah school of thought do the same with a utensil licked by a pig?
Based on Qiyaas because the state of a pig is worse than a dog.
If there is an impurity on the ground, how will you clean it?
By pouring water over it.
Does the same apply to impurities on carpets?
Impurities of dogs and pigs have to be washed seven times once with soil. What about other impurities?
You wash them three times.
An infant urinated on your trousers. How will you clean it?
If the infant has not started to eat regular food, just sprinkle water over the spot where the urine soiled the trousers.
Do you have to soak the spot with water?
No, you only have to wet it.
What are prostatic secretions called?
If you experience trivial amounts of al-Madhii what do you do?
Sprinkle with water and perform ablution.
If a trivial amount of blood soils your clothes how are you to clean it?
Sprinkle water on it. You have to wet it but you do not have to soak it with water.
What if trivial amount of pus soils your shirt?
Sprinkle water on it.
What do you mean by trivial amount of pus, blood, or al-Madhii?
A trivial amount refers to an amount which is not repugnant.