Rulings regarding utensils
Can you do Wuduu with water in a utensil made of gold?
Can you do Wuduu with water in a utensil made of silver?
Can you eat from gold and silver plates?
Can you store makeup in gold and silver utensils?
Can you use utensils made of gold and silver for any purpose?
What if the utensils are not made of gold and silver but are only soldered with them?
You still cannot use them.
Can you use the utensils and clothes of the people of the Book?
Yes, unless you know they are impure.
Who are the People of the Book?
The Christians and the Jews.
Can I eat from the plates of a Christian?
Yes, unless you know it is impure. Then you cannot.
Can I drink from the glass of a Jew?
Yes, unless you know it is impure. Then you cannot.
What parts of a dead animal are pure?
The wool and the hair. The feathers are also pure.
Is the hair of a dead pig pure?
No, because the pig is considered impure while it is alive. Hence, its hair is impure even when it is dead.
What is the ruling regarding the hair and wool of dead animals?
If the animal is considered pure while it is alive, then its hair and wool are pure even when it is dead.
What does a dead animal refer to?
An animal which has not been slaughtered.
Is the hide of a dead animal pure or impure?
It is impure.
What if you tan the hide of a dead animal?
It still remains impure.
Are the bones of dead animals pure?
No, they are not pure.
Does this mean the ivory taken from dead elephants is impure?
Yes, it is impure because the ivory is from the tusks of the elephant. These are the upper incisors.
Are the bones pure if the dead animal is from among those whose meat it is permissible to eat?
No, the bones are still impure.
Can these bones be purified in anyway?
No, they cannot be purified in anyway.
So, if someone shot an elephant and took its ivory to sell it would be impure ivory?
Yes, it would be impure.