Proclaim your blessings but be smart about it
He said, "O my son, do not relate your vision to your brothers or they will contrive against you a plan. Indeed Satan, to man, is a manifest enemy.
[Qur'aan 12:5]
A good dream is a blessing. We are to proclaim our blessings. Allaah says:
And as for the favor of your Lord, do announce (it).
[Qur'aan 93:11]
Abu Qatadah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "A good vision (dream) is from Allah and a bad dream is from the Satan. He who sees something in a dream that he dislikes, should blow thrice on his left, must seek Allah's Refuge from the evil of the Satan (i.e., by saying: A'udhu billahi minash-Shaitanir-Rajim). Then it will not harm him."
[al-Bukhari and Muslim]
At the same time, jealousy and evil eye are real. Jealousy can lead you to make enemies who want to harm you. Do you not see what Yusuf's brothers wanted to do to him because of jealousy?
When they said: "Truly, Yusuf (Joseph) and his brother (Benjamin) are loved more by our father than we, but we are 'Usbah. Really, our father is in a plain error.
Kill Joseph or cast him out to [another] land; the countenance of your father will [then] be only for you, and you will be after that a righteous people."
[Qur'aan 12:8-9]
Ibn 'Abbas reported Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) as saying:
The influence of an evil eye is a fact; if anything would precede the destiny it would be the influence of an evil eye, and when you are asked to take bath (as a cure) from the influence of an evil eye, you should take bath.
[Sahih Muslim Hadith No. 2188]
The evil eye can cause serious harm.
You have been ordered not to push yourself into destruction. Allaah says:
"...and do not throw yourselves into destruction..."
[Qur'aan 2:195]
When you keep all this in mind, you realize that you should proclaim your blessings but only to the ones who will not give you the evil eye and be jealous of you.
And, you need to always recite upon yourself Ruqya which keeps you safe from the evil eye and make dua that Allaah protects you from your enemies and those who are jealous of you.
Narrated Ibn `Abbas:
The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) used to seek Refuge with Allah for al-Hasan and al-Husain and say: "Your forefather (i.e. Abraham) used to seek Refuge with Allah for Ishmael and Isaac by reciting the following: 'O Allah! I seek Refuge with Your Perfect Words from every devil and from poisonous pests and from every evil, harmful, envious eye.' "
[Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith No. 3371]