There is nothing like Him


An oath of disobedience

Imaam al-Bayhaqi was a Shafi'i. He was a muhaddith. He is in no need of any introduction. He considered the following Hadiith weak: إنَّ النَّذرَ نذرانِ : فما كانَ للَّهِ فَكَفَّارتُهُ الوفاءُ بِهِ ، وما كانَ للشَّيطانِ فلا وفاءَ لَهُ ، وعليهِ كفَّارةُ يمينٍ The…

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al-tabadhdhul (التَّبَذُّل) when it means to give up beautification can at times be wājib (obligatory) and at times it can be masnūn. At times it can be makrūh (disliked) and at times it can be mubāh (permissible). And the 'asl is that it is mubāh.

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The earning from cupping

Rafi bin Khadij reported Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) as saying: The price of a dog is evil, the earning of a prostitute is evil, and the earning of a cupper is evil. Sahīh Muslim Hadīth No. 1568 Based on this Hadīth, the Hanābilah…

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