Marriage is better than optional worship
Haamid fears he will commit Zinaa if he does not marry. Marriage is obligatory for him in such a case. If he does not fear he will commit Zinaa, marriage is a Sunnah.
If a person has desire for women he needs to get married. This is more virtuous than optional forms of worship such as praying all night. The majority of scholars hold this view. The Shaafi'i school of thought disagrees.
When you get married you get to have permissible sex with your wife. Sex is a pleasurable act. Allaah rewards you for it because you keep yourself and your wife chaste. Based on this the majority of scholars say it is better than other forms of optional worship.
A person who has wealth to fulfill the obligations of marriage and has a desire for women needs to get married. This is better for him than other forms of optional worship.
If you fear you will commit Zinaa if you do not marry, then marriage becomes obligatory. So long as you do not fear that you will commit Zinaa it remains a Sunnah. However, even as a Sunnah it brings more reward than other forms of optional worship.
The Shaafi'i school of thought disagrees. While the majority of scholars adhere to the above-mentioned view, the Shaafi'i school differs. They contest that marriage is lustful and consists of desire. It is nearer to being a worldly thing than a Religious one. Based on this they claim Allaah has connected it with gold and silver in His Saying:
Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire - of women and sons, heaped-up sums of gold and silver, fine branded horses, and cattle and tilled land. That is the enjoyment of worldly life, but Allah has with Him the best return.
[Qur'aan 3:14]
Allaah made it among the chattels of this world. He did not make it a form of worship. There is no NaSS, in their opinion, which says it is a form of worship. He connected it with the trials of this world and with wealth.
As Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Mukhtaar al-ShinQiitii points out, the correct view is that of the majority based on the following Hadiith:
Abu Dharr reported:
Some of the people from among the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said to him: O Messenger of Allah, the rich have taken away (all the) reward. They observe prayer as we do; they keep the fasts as we keep, and they give Sadaqa out of their surplus riches. Upon this he (the Holy Prophet) said: Has Allah not prescribed for you (a course) by following which you can (also) do sadaqa? In every declaration of the glorification of Allah (i. e. saying Subhan Allah) there is a Sadaqa, and every Takbir (i. e. saying Allah-O-Akbar) is a sadaqa, and every praise of His (saying al-Hamdu Lillah) is a Sadaqa and every declaration that He is One (La illha ill-Allah) is a sadaqa, and enjoining of good is a sadaqa, and forbidding of that which is evil is a Sadaqa, and in man's sexual Intercourse (with his wife, ) there is a Sadaqa.
They (the Companions) said: O Messenger of Allah, is there reward for him who satisfies his sexual passion among us? He said: Tell me, if he were to devote it to something forbidden, would it not be a sin on his part? Similarly, if he were to devote it to something lawful, he should have a reward.
[Sahih Muslim Hadith No. 1006]
اختلاف العلماء في تفضيل النكاح مع الشهوة على نوافل العبادات