Madhhabi fanaticism
Another matter in which the Madhaahib showed fanaticism was the matter of the maQaam al-maHmuud. There was a dispute between the Companions of Abu Bakr al-marwazii al-hanbali and the general masses in regards to the saying of Allaah: "...It may be that your Lord will raise you to Maqaman Mahmuda." The Hanaabilah said that Allaah will seat His Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) to His side on the 'arsh on the Day of Judgment. As a result, fighting broke out between the two groups and a large number of people were killed. The fighting did not stop until an army was brought in. The Shiekh of the Hanaabilah Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-barbahaarii would not enter a gathering except he would say in it that Allaah will seat His Messenger on His side on the 'arsh.
Talk about being fanatical about an issue even when you are in the wrong.
التعصب المذهبي في التاريخ الإسلامي