Kissing while you fast
Narrated 'Aishah:
The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) used to kiss and embrace while he was fasting, but he was the one of you who had most control over his desire.
[Sunan Abi Dawud Hadiith No. 2382]
قال النووي : إن القبلة في الصوم ليست محرمة على من لم تحرك شهوته لكن الأولى له تركها ، ولا يقال إنها مكروهة له ، وإنما قال الشافعي إنها خلاف الأولى في حقه مع ثبوت أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يفعلها لأنه صلى الله عليه وسلم يؤمن في حقه مجاوزة القبلة ويخاف على غيره مجاوزتها كما قالت عائشة كان أملككم لإربه وأما من حركت شهوته فهي حرام في حقه على الأصح
al-Nawawi said: Indeed, to kiss while fasting is not haraam for the one whose desire is not arroused but it is better that one gives it up. And it will not be said that it is disliked for him. The only reason al-Shaafi'i said it [kissing] is in opposition to that which is better [i.e. not kissing] for him despite it being established that the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) used to do it is because he (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) was safe from transgressing the act of kissing while it is feared on others that they will transgress it [i.e. kissing] just like 'Aishah said: he was the one of you who had most control over his desire. As for the one whose desire is aroused [as a result of kissing] then it is haraam for him [to kiss while fasting] according to the most correct view.
قال القاضي : قد قال بإباحتها للصائم مطلقا جماعة من الصحابة والتابعين وأحمد وإسحاق وداود ، وكرهها على الإطلاق مالك ، وقال ابن عباس وأبو حنيفة والثوري والأوزاعي والشافعي : تكره للشاب دون الشيخ الكبير وهي رواية عن مالك وروى ابن وهب عن مالك إباحتها في صوم النفل دون الفرض ، ولا خلاف أنها لا تبطل الصوم إلا أن ينزل المني بالقبلة ، واحتجوا له بالحديث المشهور في السنن وهو قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم أرأيت لو تمضمضت ومعنى الحديث أن المضمضة مقدمة الشرب وقد علمتم أنها لا تفطر ، وكذا القبلة مقدمة للجماع فلا تفطر
al-QaaDii said: A group of the Companions, Taabi'uun, Ahmad, isHaaQ, and Daawud said that it [i.e. kissing] is permissible for the person who fasts without restriction. Maalik disliked it in any case. Ibn Abbaas, Abu Hanifah, al-Thawrii, al-'auzaa'ii, and al-Shaafi'i said: It is disliked for the young as opposed to the elder one and this [opinion] has been narrated from Maalik. It has also been narrated from Maalik that he permitted it [i.e. kissing] when one is keeping an optional [Nafl] fast as opposed to the farD [obligatory] fast. And there is no difference of opinion that it does not break the fast unless al-manii comes out because of the kissing. They have drawn evidence for if from the famous hadiith in the Sunan which is:
‘Umar aid: I got excited and kissed (my wife) whilst I was fasting, then I said: O Messenger of Allah, today I did something serious; I kissed (my wife) whilst I was fasting. He said: “What you think, if you rinse your mouth with water whilst you are fasting?” I said: There is nothing wrong with it. He said: “So what is the problem?”
The meaning of the hadiith is that just like rinsing of the mouth precedes drinking and you know that it does not invalidate the fast, kissing precedes sexual intercourse and does not invalidate the fast.
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