If you laugh Wuduu does not break
If you laugh your Wuduu does not break. The majority of scholars of Islaam hold this view. The reason is because there is no evidence in the Qur'aan and Sunnah which suggests that if you laugh your Wuduu breaks. In the absence of evidence no one has the right to claim that Wuduu breaks if you laugh.
Imaam al-Nawawi says:
لمذهبنا ومذهب جمهور العلماء أنه لا ينقض ... وهو قول جمهور التابعين فمن بعدهم
Our Madhab and the Madhab of the majority of scholars is that it [laughing] does not break [Wuduu]...and it is the saying of the majority of Taabi'uun and those who came after them.
As for the hadiith which claim Wuduu breaks if you laugh, then know that they are all weak.
Imaam al-Nawawi says in al-Majmuu' Volume 2 Page 61
كلها ضعيفةٌ واهيةٌ باتفاق أهل الحديث
All of them [the hadith which say Wuduu breaks if you laugh] are weak by the consensus of the scholars of hadith.
Note how Imaam al-Nawawi says according to the consensus of the scholars of hadith. You have to be a scholar of hadith to know if a hadith is weak or authentic.
Anyone who claims Wuduu breaks if you laugh lacks knowledge of hadith authenticity. Do not take your Diin from such a person. 'Ahkaam come from authentic hadith.
A scholar of hadith knows that the hadith which claim Wuduu breaks if you laugh are weak. The scholar of hadith will not use those hadith to derive rules.
You acquire knowledge from an expert. When you want to know the authenticity of a hadith you refer to hadith scholars. The scholars of hadith ruled that Hadith which state Wuduu breaks when you laugh are weak. You cannot use weak hadith to derive rulings.
If a Jurist does not know a hadith is weak or authentic he should not derive rulings. How can anyone be a Jurist and derive rulings if he cannot judge an authentic hadith from a weak one? You have to be both a Jurist and a scholar of hadith to derive rulings.
Imaam al-Nawawi was both. Imaam al-Shaafi'i was both. So, was Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal and Imaam Maalik. They all agree that if you laugh your Wuduu does not break. They knew the hadith was weak. They did not use it to derive any ruling. They were scholars of hadith and Jurists. Take your Diin from them.
There is no need to debate this issue. It is clear cut as day for the scholar of hadith. Wuduu does not break if you laugh. Anyone who tells you otherwise is not a scholar. Do not listen to him. Be careful who you take your Diin from.