Hadd for ujra based sexual intercourse
Ibn Hazm (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-muhallaa:
وأما الحنفيون المقلدون لأبي حنيفة في هذا، فمن عجائب الدنيا التي لا يكاد يوجد لها نظير: أن يقلدوا عمر في إسقاط الحد هاهنا بأن ثلاث حثيات من تمر مهر, وقد خالفوا هذه القضية بعينها فلم يجيزوا في النكاح الصحيح مثل هذا وأضعافه مهرا , بل منعوا من أقل من عشرة دراهم في ذلك
As for those Hanafi who blindly follow Abu Hanifah in regards to this [matter of there being no hadd on a woman and man who do Zinaa when the woman is given 'ujra for it], then it is from among the wonders of the world for which no example can be found that they make taQliid of Umar in dropping the hadd punishment here [in this case] because [they consider] three handfuls of tamr [dates esp. dried ones] to be mahr while they have opposed this qadiiyah [legal matter] itself and have not permitted in a Sahiih Nikaah the like of this, or more, as mahr. Rather, they do not permit less than ten dirham in regards to this.
The above saying is to those Hanafis who follow the incorrect view of Abu Hanifa in this matter. Abu Yusuf and Muhammad rightly opposed their Imaam and said the hadd punishment would be given to a man who has committed Zinaa with a woman by giving her ujra for it. The woman will also receive the hadd punishment for Zinaa.