Funeral prayer
Can you pray the funeral prayer in the mosque?
Yes, you can pray the funeral prayer in the mosque.
What is the evidence that you can pray the funeral prayer in the mosque?
The following narration in Sahih Muslim
'Abbad bin 'Abdullah bin Zubair reported that 'A'isha ordered the bier of Sa'd bin Abu Waqqaas to be brought into the mosque so that she should pray for him. The people disapproved this (act) of hers. She said:
How soon the people have forgotten that the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) offered not the funeral prayer of Suhail bin al-Baida' but in a mosque.
[Sahih Muslim Hadith No. 973]
Do any schools of thought permit praying the funeral prayer in the mosque?
Yes, the Shaafi'i school of thought considers it Mustahabb. The Hanaabilah also permit it.
Those who forbid it use a hadith. Is that hadith authentic?
No, al-Nawawi says in al-Majmuu' sharh al-Muhadhdhab that that hadith of Abu Hurairah is weak by the consensus of the Huffaaz.
Can you write out the Arabic of that weak hadith.
من صلى على جنازة في المسجد فلا شئ
Which school of thought uses this weak hadith to support their claim that you cannot pray the funeral prayer in the mosque?
The Hanafi school of thought.