Following a Madhab does not make you a scholar
Qataadah said: He who does not recognize the difference [of opinions] has not smelled fiQh.
Hishaam bin 'ubaid Allaah al-Raazii said: The one who does not recognize the difference among the reciters is not a reciter, and the one who does not recognize the difference among the jurists is not a jurist.
'aTaa' said: It is not fitting for anyone to give Fatwaa to the people until he is an 'aalim in regards to the difference [of opinions among] the people.
YaHyaa bin salaam said: It is not fitting for anyone who does not recognize the difference [of opinions] to give Fatwaa, and it is not permitted for the one who does not know the different opinions to say: This [opinion] is most loved to me.
Once you understand what the classical scholars of Islaam said about knowing the difference of opinions do you appreciate what Sheikh al-Albaani (may Allaah have mercy on him) said that a person who is learned in a Madhab is not a scholar but a muqallid and cannot give verdicts except if he specifies, when giving a verdict, that this verdict of his is only the opinion of his Madhab.