Fanatical muqallids
Fanaticism leads to chaos
Some muqallids (blind followers of the Madhaahib) have crossed all bounds..
This post will gather the fabricated ahadiith which were spread by blind followers.
إن آدم افتخر بي وأنا أفتخر برجل من أمتي إسمه نعمان، وكنيته أبو حنيفة، هو سراج أمتي
Indeed Adam was proud of me and I will be proud of a man from my Ummah whose name will be Nu'mān and his kunyah will be Abu Hanifah. He is the sirāj of my Ummah
لو كان في أمة موسى وعيسى مثل أبي حنيفة لما تهودوا وما تنصروا
Had their been the like of Abu Hanifah in the nations of Moses and Jesus, their followers would not have become Jews and Christians.
Durr al-mukhtār is a very important book in the sight of certain muqallids. al-Haskafi wrote this book. He includes the following two fabricated ahadīth in the book.
(إن آدم افتخر بي وأنا أفتخر برجل من أمتي اسمه نعمان وكنيته أبو حنيفة، هو سراج أمتي)
Indeed, Adam was proud of me and I am proud of a man from my Ummah whose name is Nu'mān and his kunyah is Abu Hanifah. He is the sirāj of my Ummah
وعنه عليه الصلاة والسلام (إن ساير الأنبياء يفتخرون بي، وأنا أفتخر بأبي حنيفة، من أحبه فقد أحبني، ومن أبغضه فقد أبغضني)
All of the Prophets are proud of me and I am proud of Abu Hanifah. He who loves him has loved me and he who hates him has hated me
وقول ابن الجوزي: إنه موضوع، تعصب
And the saying of Ibn al-Jawzi that it is fabricated is ta'ssub (fanaticism, bigotry)
The truth is that Ibn al-Jawzi was correct. These ahadiith are fabricated. He was not the one being a bigot.