Extremely weak ahadiith in the book of the Tablighi Jamaat
This page will collect all the weak hadiith in the book of the Tablighi Jamaat which is an Ashari/Maturidi group who thinks it is spreading the Diin.
Abu Daawuud al-Tayaalisii said: Muhammad bin Muslim bin Abi al-waDaaH narrated to us from ('an) al-'aHwaS bin Hakiim from ('an) Khaali bin Ma'daan from ('an) 'ubaadah (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said:
The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said:
When a person prays his prayer in the best manner possible and performs its Rukuu and Sujuud with perfection, the prayer says: May Allaah protect you just like you have protected me and then it ascends. And when he performs the prayer in a poor manner and does not complete its Rukuu or its Sujuud, the prayer says: May Allaah ruin you just like you have ruined me. Then, it is rolled up like an old and rotten garment and is thrown in his face.
This hadiith is extremely weak.
It has the narrator 'aHwas bin Hakiim al-HimSii.
Ahmad declared him weak
Ibn Ma'iin declared him weak
Abu Haatim declared him weak
al-'ijlii declared him weak
al-Nasaa'i declared him weak
al-DaaraQutni declared him weak
Ibn Hajar said the hadiith is weak.
Sheikh al-albaani declared the hadiith weak
Abd al-Haqq al-'ishbiilii said the chain has Khaalid bin ma'daan who did not meet 'ubaadah (may Allaah be pleased with him)
al-Buusiirii declared the hadith weak
The hadiith has also been narrated from 'Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him). The chain of that hadiith is as follows
bakr -> 'amruu bin haashim al-bairuutii -> abd al-Rahmaan bin Sulaimaan bin abi al-jaun al-'ansii -> abbaad bin kathiir al-baSrii -> Abu 'Ubaidah -> 'Anas bin Maalik
al-Haithami said the chian has 'abbaad bin Kathiir and they all agree he is weak
al-Dimyaati said its chain of narrators is diseased
al-'iraaqi said its chain of narrators is weak
Ahmad bin Hanbal said: He narrates fabricated ahadiith
Sufyaan al-Thawri said he was a liar. He visited his funeral and did not pray upon him. Sufyaan al-Thawri also said: Beware of him
The hadiith is very weak according to the scholars of hadiith.
The frist chain has 'aHwas bin Hakiim al-HimSii who is weak.
And it has Khaalid bin ma'daan who never met 'ubaadah bin al-Saamit (may Allaah be pleased with him).
The other chain of this hadiith is diseased as al-Dimyaati rightly put it.
You do not need weak hadiith to tell you that you are supposed to pray the prayer to perfection. You have the Qur'aan and the authentic ahadiith for that. You also have the reminders of the scholars of truth.
Stop propagating possible mistakes attributed to the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) among the masses. Have some shame.
This weak hadith is also present in the book of the Tablighi Jamaat. Beware of them.
Abbaad bin Kathiir
Hadiith in al-mu'jam al-'ausaT
Dorar Encyclopedia of hadiith