Do you want to attain al-birr?
Never will you attain al-birr until you spend [in the way of Allah ] from that which you love. And whatever you spend - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it.
[Qur'aan 3:92]
al-Hasan said: Indeed, you will not reach that which you love except by giving up that which desire, and you will not attain that which you hope for except by being patient on that [i.e. when faced with that] which you dislike.
The scholars differed in regards to the meaning of al-birr. A group said it means Paradise. Based on this the Verse means that you will not reach Paradise until you spend of that which you love.
Another group is of the opinion it means good deeds. It is mentioned in an authentic hadiith
'Abdullah reported Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) as saying:
It is obligatory for you to tell the truth, for truth leads to al-birr and virtue al-birr to Paradise, and the man who continues to speak the truth and endeavors to tell the truth is eventually recorded as truthful with Allah, and beware of telling of a lie for telling of a lie leads to obscenity and obscenity leads to Hell-Fire, and the person who keeps telling lies and endeavours to tell a lie is recorded as a liar with Allah.
[Sahiih Muslim Hadiith No. 2607]
Another understanding of this Verse is that you will not reach al-birr until you spend charity and other things which are considered obedience to [Allaah] in a righteous cause.
It is mentioned in a Hadiith:
It was narrated that Anas said:
"When this Verse was revealed -'By no means shall you attain Al Birr (piety, righteousness--here it means Allah's reward, i.e. Paradise), unless you spend (in Allah's cause) of that which you love'- Abu Talha said: 'Our Lord will ask us about our wealth. I adjure you, O Messenger of Allah! I am giving my land to Allah.' The Messenger of Allah said: 'Make it for your relatives, Hassan bin Thabit and Ubayy bin Ka'b.'"
[Sunan al-Nasaa'i Hadiith No. 3602]