Do not wrong anyone
Never wrong a soul. The supplication made by the one wronged will utterly destroy you.
You can wrong someone and get what you desire, but you will never get away. You may think you have gotten away because nothing happened. But it is only a matter of time before Allaah ruins you.
"Beware of the supplication of the one wronged for indeed it is carried on the clouds. Allaah says: I swear by My Izzah and my Jalaal, I will surely help you even if after a while."
اتقوا دعوة المظلوم فإنها تحمل على الغمام ، يقول الله : وعزتي وجلالي لأنصرنك ولو بعد حين
That hadiith has been reported as being authentic by several scholars of hadiith. Note the part which says even if after a while.
There may be delay but there is never darkness. Allaah will come to the rescue of the one wronged. He listens to his supplication and if you have wronged someone you will pay the price.
Just because nothing has happened yet does not mean nothing is going to happen. Just because you feel safe now after having wronged someone does not mean you have gotten away.
Your destruction and utter ruin are near.
If you have wronged someone now is the time to repent and seek not only the forgiveness of Allaah but to set things right with the person you wronged.
If you have wrongfully taken anything which belonged to them return it and ask them to forgive you. If you have slandered them or backbitten repent to Allaah and never return to the vile act. Supplicate for the person you slandered. Make good dua for them.
You have time if Allaah has not destroyed you. Avail the time to save yourself. Once the punishment of Allaah descends on you, there will be no reprieve.