Can you speak during tawaaf?
Ibn Hazm says:
It is permissible to talk to people while making tawaaf. But to indulge in the dhikr of Allaah is better. This is because there is no Nass which says one is not allowed to talk while making tawaaf. Allaah says in the Qur'aan
"...He has explained in detail to you what He has forbidden you..."
[Qur'aan 6: Portion of Verse 119]
That which Allaah has not said is haraam, then it is halaal.
Volume 6 Page 211
al-Nawawi says:
It is permissible to talk while a person is making tawaaf. It does not invalidate the tawaaf. And it is not disliked. However, it is best not to indulge in it unless one must speak to order that which is good, prevent someone from munkar, teach a jaahil, or give a religious verdict, and the like.