Be grateful for the fresh water Allaah gives you to drink

And We have sent the fertilizing winds and sent down water from the sky and given you drink from it. And you are not its retainers.

[Qur'aan 15:22]


al-shinQiiTii said:

بين تعالى في هذه الآية الكريمة عظيم منته بإنزال الماء من السماء وجعله إياه عذبا صالحا للسقيا وبين ذلك أيضا في مواضع أخر كقوله: (أفرأيتم الماء الذي تشربون أأنتم أنزلتموه من المزن أم نحن المنزلون لو نشاء جعلناه أجاجا فلولا تشكرون) وقوله: (هو الذي أنزل من السماء ماء لكم منه شراب ومنه شجر فيه تسيمون ينبت لكم به الزرع والزيتون والنخيل والأعناب ومن كل الثمرات) وقوله: (وأنزلنا من السماء ماء طهورا لنحيي به بلدة ميتا ونسقيه مما خلقنا أنعاما وأناسي كثيرا) إلى غير ذلك من الآيات


The Exalted has made clear in this Noble Verse His magnificent favor of sending down water from the sky and making it fresh and fit for drinking. He has also made this clear in other places in the Qur'aan where He said:

And have you seen the water that you drink? Is it you who brought it down from the clouds, or is it We who bring it down? If We willed, We could make it bitter, so why are you not grateful?

[Qur'aan 56:68-70]

And He said:

It is He who sends down rain from the sky; from it is drink and from it is foliage in which you pasture [animals].

[Qur'aan 16:10]

And He said:

And it is He who sends the winds as good tidings before His mercy, and We send down from the sky pure water That We may bring to life thereby a dead land and give it as drink to those We created of numerous livestock and men.

[Qur'aan 24:48-49]



الصحيح المسبور من التفسير بالمأثور

Volume 3 Page 153